Známé jako ABLESTIK ABP-8910T
Vlastnosti a výhody
This electrically-insulating die-attach adhesive is formulated with a medium modulus using hybrid chemistry, and is targeted for use on medium to large die sizes.
LOCTITE® ABLESTIK ABP 8910T is a heat cure, electrically non-conductive adhesive ideal for use on medium to large die sizes, and perfect for copper, silver, PPF and alloy 42 substrates. It has high MRT performance, high thermal conductivity, and high reliability.
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Technické informace
Aplikace | Připevnění formy |
Koeficient tepelné roztažnosti (CTE) | 28.0 ppm/°C |
Viskozita, Brookfield CP51, @ 25.0 °C Speed 5 rpm | 13000.0 mPa.s (cP) |
Způsob vytvrzování | Vytvrzování teplem |