When seconds count, radar technology offers more complete and exacting information as it measures an object's speed and distance from the vehicle. With this data, features like adaptive cruise control, emergency braking and rear collision warnings offer real - time alerts that greatly improve driver, passenger and pedestrian safety. Today's automotive radar systems provide critical infromation for accident avoidance. Continuous sensing of a vehicle's distance from an object through measurement of the object's position and velocity  gives drivers a real-time view for informed decision-making and collision prevention.

The reliability of the electronics within radars - including chips, components and interconnects - is essential to long-term, dependable functionality, making Henkel's advanced materials fundamental to radar performance. Connecting materials such as solders provide robust interconnection of components to the printed circuit board (PCB). And, as radars become smaller and more compact while packing more powerful function, high performance thermal management solutions, along with PCB and component protection are crucial.

Materials Used in ADAS Radars (Top View)

Materials Used in ADAS Radars (Bottom View)

Connecting Materials for ADAS Radars

Your partner for reliable ADAS radar component connection

Electrical interconnection at the board level is facilitated through high-reliability, lead-free, halogen-free solder formulations and a wide range of electrically conductive adhesives, an area where Henkel’s expertise spans decades. Our scientists and engineering teams developing materials understand the reliability requirements, application-specific considerations, processability objectives and manufacturing demands to advise on the best solutions for optimal results, which is why the world’s top automotive electronics manufacturers choose Henkel. When seconds count, reliable connections matter.

Protecting Materials for ADAS Radars

Solutions for protecting ADAS radar systems from adverse environmental conditions and external interference

Henkel’s award-winning protection materials can be found throughout modern-day automotive radar systems, and for good reason. Our conformal coating solutions protect the PCB from moisture and chemical contaminants, which are plentiful in an automotive environment. Once the PCBs are populated with high-value components like micro-BGAs, the fine-pitch solder connections need to be protected from vibration and shock.

Market-leading LOCTITE underfill formulations deliver added solder joint reliability to defend against stress, while Henkel module sealants keep contaminants out of the enclosure. Likewise, innovative Henkel EMI shielding solutions in multiple formats offer vital radio-frequency interference protection at all levels – from the chip to the board to the mid-frame – and effectively isolate the antennae and logic features of the radar system from each other.

Thermal Materials for ADAS Radars

Award-winning thermal interference materials designed to keep ADAS radar parts cool

As radar technology has become more compact and powerful, components have diminished in size, yet expanded in function. And, with this dynamic, increased heat generation is the result. In fact, thermal management is one of the most essential pieces of the reliability puzzle. If parts overheat, they don’t function.

Henkel’s BERGQUIST brand thermal interference materials are the undisputed market leader for effective thermal management solutions. Our award-winning, low-stress gap filling thermal interface materials are enabling high-performance function of digital signal (DSP) and microcontroller (MCU) processors, as well as providing thermal relief from heat generation at the mid-frame. High conformity GAP PADs and automated, throughput-enhancing liquid form-in-place gap fillers effectively absorb and dissipate heat so radars can keep their cool.

Resources for Automotive Radars

Brochure: Materials for Automotive Radars

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