Características y Ventajas
This semi-flexible hybrid-based electrically non-conductive adhesive is perfect for insulating die-attach applications.
LOCTITE® ABLESTIK QMI536NB is a low bleed, non-electrically conductive PTFE-filled paste. It has a fast cure, high temperature stability and great reliability on a wide variety of surfaces, including solder resist, flexible tape, bare silicon, and various die passivations. A package or device manufactured with this product will have high resistance to delamination and popcorning, even after multiple exposures to lead-free solder reflow temperatures.
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Información técnica
Aplicaciones | Unión |
Coeficiente de dilatación térmica (CDT) | 80.0 ppm/°C |
Coeficiente de dilatación térmica (CDT), Above Tg | 150.0 ppm/°C |
Contenido iónico extraíble, Cloruro (CI-) | 19.0 ppm |
Contenido iónico extraíble, Fluoruro (F-) | 19.0 ppm |
Contenido iónico extraíble, Potasio (K+) | 19.0 ppm |
Contenido iónico extraíble, Sodio (Na+) | 19.0 ppm |
Resistencia al corte con calor | 15.0 kg-f |
Se recomienda su uso con | Laminado, Poliimida |
Temperatura de transición vítrea (Tg) | -30.0 °C |
Tipo de curado | Curado Térmico |
Viscosidad | 10000.0 mPa.s (cP) |
Índice tixotrópico | 5.0 |