Conocido como STYCAST 2850FT

Características y Ventajas

This 2-part epoxy encapsulant is designed for applications where electrical insulation must be maintained during heat transfer.
LOCTITE® STYCAST 2850FT BL is a thermally conductive epoxy resin with robust chemical resistance. This blue encapsulant is particularly designed for applications where electrical insulation and mechanical protection must be maintained while coping with heat transfer considerations. It is, therefore, ideal for use in high-voltage applications, such as power supplies, transformers, bushings, and insulators. Its thermally conductive properties help reduce heat transfer and improve long-term product reliability. It is a 2-part compound that requires mixing before use, and is compatible with a variety of LOCTITE catalysts.
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Información técnica

Aplicaciones Encapsulado
Color Azul
Conductividad térmica 1.38 W/mK
Dureza Shore, Shore D 95.0
Número de Componentes Bicomponente
Relación de mezcla, por peso 10 : 4.5
Temperatura de transición vítrea (Tg) 105.0 °C
Tipo de curado Curado Térmico
Vida útil de almacenamiento 1.0 año
Viscosidad, Resina @ 25.0 °C 250000.0 mPa.s (cP)