Elementi i pogodnosti

A 1-part, highly flexible, fluorescent instant adhesive for reliable assembly of flexible medical devices and other flexible components.
LOCTITE® 4902 FL offers significant performance enhancements compared to standard cyanoacrylates, including strength in flexing bond lines and resistance to leaks, with excellent sealing capability. Known performance advantages of cyanoacrylates are maintained, including speed, ease of use and strength. The fluorescing property supports automated sensing and vision systems for ease of detection of adhesive coverage and placement, resulting in production efficiency and quality assurance.
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Tehnički podaci

Boja Providna
Broj komponenti 1 deo
Fizički oblik Tečnost
Ispuna praznine 0.1 mm
Ključne karakteristike Fluorescentno
Metod primene Ručno, Sistem za nanošenje
Preporučuje se za upotrebu sa Elastomer, Guma, Plastika
Primene Zaptivanje
Radna temperatura -40.0 - 80.0 °C (-40.0 - 180.0 °F )
Sila smicanja, Meki čelik (peskirani) 12.0 N/mm² (1745.0 psi )
Temperatura čuvanja 2.0 - 8.0 °C
Tip očvršćavanja Očvršćavanje pomoću vlage
Vreme učvršćivanja, Čelik 20.0 sekunda
Viskoznost, Smola 175.0 mPa.s (cP)