Được gọi là LOCTITE 8065

Đặc tính và Lợi ích

Copper colored, naphthenic oil, anti-seize in the form of a lubricant stick.
When you want an anti-seize lubricant that shields metal parts and fasteners against high-temperature seizing and galling, LOCTITE® LB 8065 is a great choice. This copper-colored, stick-form anti-seize compound is very versatile and provides excellent lubrication on copper, brass, cast iron, steel, and all metal alloys, including stainless steel. LOCTITE LB 8065 is designed for use in a variety of industrial environments, including steel mills, power plants, marine plants, and foundries. It’s able to perform seamlessly at a high temperatures up to 982°C (1800°F).
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