다른 명칭: Sil-Pad® 2000

특징 및 이점

This thermally conductive, silicone insulator pad is designed for demanding aerospace and commercial applications. High cut-through, low thermal impedance.
BERGQUIST® SIL PAD® TSP 3500 is a thermally conductive, insulating, rigid, pre-cured pad used between heat sink or metal housing and components. It is formulated to maximize both the thermal and dielectric performance of the filler/binder matrix. The conformable material is grease-free and reinforced with fiberglass, providing high reliability for electronic packaging applications. Typical applications include power supplies, motor controls, power semiconductors, aerospace, and avionics.
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기술 정보

색상 흰색
열전도율 3.5 W/mK
작동 온도 -60.0 - 200.0 °C
캐리어 유형 유리섬유
표준 두께 0.254 - 0.508 mm
화염 등급 V-0