Industrial Maintenance and Repair

Proactive products and processes that reduce your maintenance costs

When moving parts don’t move, it can mean costly downtime and expensive part and machine replacement.

LOCTITE®’s preventative maintenance process is backed by solutions from the world’s number one adhesives producer. It is an effective way to avoid equipment failure and extend the life of your technology assets.

Henkel Solutions for Maintenance Optimization​

Why Team up with Us?

With Henkel as your MRO partner, you can reduce or eliminate many chronic and costly equipment failures through simple applications and use of adhesives and sealants from the global leader.

Our goal is to work with you to approach maintenance reliability as a continuous improvement effort. What do we bring to the team?

  • Knowledge – training from the most highly skilled and technical adhesive and sealants team in the world. Nobody knows more about adhesives and sealants than the LOCTITE® team!
  • Expertise – leveraging our adhesive and sealant knowledge to provide industrial support by working side-by-side with skilled tradesmen in a variety of industries focusing on the root causes of failures.
  • Experience – over 65 years of industrial partnerships and bringing solutions to improve manufacturing processes across all industries with the goals of increasing reliability, reducing costs, and improving safety.
  • Tools – the most reliable and proven cost-saving product solutions from the originator and world leader in the industry

With a full compliment of maintenance adhesives, repair epoxies, lubricants, coatings and sealants, Henkel can repair and improve the reliability of almost any piece of equipment.




Not Just Products – People

The LOCTITE® team has the experience, knowledge, and solutions to optimize your maintenance efforts. Our professional MRO specialists start with plant evaluations, documenting the cost impacts of chronic issues, to improve the efficiency of your production processes. Our customized training workshops are specific to your needs, resulting in better efficiency, bigger cost savings and reduced downtime.


MRO Training and Application Centers​

LOCTITE® Air Leak Survey

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